I really love programming, especially in C++. So feel free to take a look at my work and to write comments about the stuff You find here. I asure you all the programms around here are completely from myself. Well, maybe I took one ore more ideas from here and there. ;-)


If not noticed otherwise, all sourcecode and binaries on this site are free and may be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
Please read the full GNU General Public Licence for more information.

Apple Tree

Apple Tree is a little program written for Mac OS X. It uses the ideas of Sequoia View to display a squarified tree map of a given directory with all subdirectories in a single view. This makes it very easy to spot the files which are taking the most disk space. The program is written in Objective-C++ using Apples Cocoa framework.


This is a game i've programmed years ago. It was one of my attempts to get to know better object oriented programming.
The game is an all time classic called Sokoban. This Sokoban clone is using the Windows GDI. Don't expect heavy graphics here, but it's still fun to play. :)

So please take a look at my Sokoban Project.

Maybe if I find the time, i'm starting a new project. This will surely use OpenGL graphics as I would like to see the game running on my Apple Powerbook.

Diploma Thesis

Well, yes I finished my academic education (see Sponsionsreise) and have therefore written a diploma thesis. It's about an Universal Dataprovider For Heterogen Systems Based on COM+ and XML. In short terms an XML-Server which can be used to request data from very different kinds of data stores.

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